
The term “fraud” includes many types of theft or attempted theft through deceptive practices. Numerous criminal statutes address fraud. It is a main component of white collar criminal enforcement. Beyond the criminal ramifications of fraud, there is a vast amount of civil fraud enforcement. Government agencies with non-criminal enforcement authority have the power to investigate and bring civil fraud actions.

The term “fraud” includes many types of theft or attempted theft through deceptive practices. Numerous criminal statutes address fraud. It is a main component of white collar criminal enforcement. Beyond the criminal ramifications of fraud, there is a vast amount of civil fraud enforcement. Government agencies with non-criminal enforcement authority have the power to investigate and bring civil fraud actions.

Unlike a criminal fraud prosecution that results in a prison sentence, civil enforcement results in non-prison sanctions such as monetary penalties and exclusion from certain industries or occupations.

The most common statutes for the criminal prosecution of fraud by the federal government are mail fraud, wire fraud, bank fraud, and securities fraud.

Mr. Serafini has a wealth of experience handling both criminal and civil fraud cases.

For the Best South Florida Fraud Lawyer / Attorney, connect with Serafini Law Office Today.

We Proudly Serve the Following Cities/Counties:

  • Miami
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Boca Raton
  • West Palm Beach
  • Florida