Art Fraud

Art Fraud involves the passing of inexpensive artistic copies as original works of art. They are relatively rare. These cases involve the use of experts in art and art valuation. Because of the infrequent prosecution, there are relatively few defense attorneys experienced in the defense of these cases.

Mr. Serafini has defended art fraud cases and understands the issues in both criminal and civil contexts.

Art Fraud involves the passing of inexpensive artistic copies as original works of art. They are relatively rare. These cases involve the use of experts in art and art valuation. Because of the infrequent prosecution, there are relatively few defense attorneys experienced in the defense of these cases.

Mr. Serafini has defended art fraud cases and understands the issues in both criminal and civil contexts.

We Proudly Serve the Following Cities/Counties:

  • Miami
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Boca Raton
  • West Palm Beach
  • Florida